Jamparing Research Reveals High Public Satisfaction with the Performance of Regent and Deputy Regent in Kuningan District

apresiasi hasil Jamparing Research
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RADARCIREBON.ID – On Saturday (8/7), Jamparing Research, an independent research institution, released the results of a survey on public satisfaction with the performance of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Kuningan District, reaching 83.6 percent, which falls under the category of GOOD. This was revealed during the 5th Milangkala event held at the IPHI Building in Kuningan.

The event was attended by Deputy Regent of Kuningan, H.M Ridho Suganda, SH, M.Si, representatives from the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD), representatives from the Police Department (Kapolres), representatives from the 0615 District Military Command (Dandim), the Head of the Communication and Informatics Department of Kuningan District, Dr. Wahyu Hidayah, M.Si, Commissioners from the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu), the Chairman of DEEF, the Chairman of JPR, the Chairman of KIPP, and the Chairmen of Political Parties.

Responding to the survey results on public satisfaction, Deputy Regent of Kuningan, HM Ridho Suganda SH M.Si, expressed gratitude and appreciation to Jamparing for providing valid data that can serve as a guide in carrying out their duties more effectively. He stated that this serves as motivation and inspiration for them to improve public services by involving stakeholders, ensuring that the results are felt by the community. Despite financial constraints, he believes they can still take strategic steps in the future to further enhance public satisfaction.

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Deputy Regent Ridho stated that the survey results will serve as strong motivation. Although there are only five months remaining, they will take more strategic steps to continue improving public satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Sohib Muslim, the Chairman of Jamparing Research Foundation, explained that the survey conducted by Jamparing included questions regarding the knowledge of the people of Kuningan District about the electoral agenda, such as their interest in national and local politics and governance. The results showed that 20 percent of the respondents were interested.

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