Berbagai Contoh Surat Undangan Rapat Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dan Simple

Berbagai Contoh Surat Undangan Rapat Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dan Simple
Berbagai Contoh Surat Undangan Rapat Bahasa Inggris. foto: rumah123 -
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Thank you.
Brandon Edward
The Chief Manager PT. Antah Berantah

2. Surat Undangan Rapat Komunitas Bahasa Inggris

Jakarta, August 2, 2021

No. : 001/Berdikari/VIII/2021
Subject : Meeting Invitation
To : All the member of Berdikari Community

Dear Sir/Madam,

As the Independence Day on August 17 is coming close, our community will hold a celebrating event. It’s a part of our tradition to hold the Independence Day’s event as the socio-cultural community.

Regarding the matter, we would like to invite you to the member meeting which will be held on:
Day, date : Saturday, August 7, 2021
Time : 01.00 pm – 04.00 pm
Location : Grand Dhanur Meeting Hall
Agenda : Event planning and committee forming

Baca Juga:4 Contoh Surat Undangan Bahasa Inggris yang Baik dan BenarLengkap! Contoh Undangan Pernikahan Bahasa Inggris yang Cantik dengan Quotes Menarik dan Artinya

We look forward for your presence. Thank you for your attention.

Chairman of Berdikari Community
Barata Yudha

The Honorable Mr. Darmono
We write this letter to request your presence at the internal meeting of Senyum Indonesia Foundation. The meeting will be attended by all the foundation management from all the branches in Indonesia. The meeting will be held on:

Date: April 12nd, 2016
Place: Senyum Indonesia Head office
Time: 10.00 am – 12.00 am

In this annual meeting we will discuss about:
1. The evaluation of the previous President of the foundation
2. Discussing and planning the election of the new President of Senyum Indonesia 2016-2018 period.
3. Discuss the problem from all the branhces of Senyum Indonesia.

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