Vice President Ma’ruf Amin Leaves Decision on Minimum Age for Presidential Candidates to Constitutional Court: Opportunity for the Younger Generation in Politics

Vice President Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin
GIVE INFORMATION: Vice President Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin gave information to journalists about the minimum age for presidential and vice presidential candidates on Sebatik Island, North Kalimantan, Thursday (3/8/2023). Photo: Rangga Pandu Asmara Jingga/Antara
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Sahroni also hopes that the public will interpret the age limit reduction for presidential and vice-presidential candidates positively because he believes that the younger generation is capable of addressing and solving various challenges in the current era.

“We will always have high hopes for the younger generation, we cannot avoid it. Whether we like it or not, the baton must be passed on, the younger generation is the legitimate heirs of this nation. So, why should we limit their access to contribute? In the end, the people will choose, and this regulation only opens up access,” he explained.

He hopes that the younger generation can bring innovation to the Indonesian nation, especially in the field of politics. The knowledge and experience of the younger generation will enhance the quality of political discourse in the country.

Baca Juga:Batasan Usia Minimum Calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden 40 Tahun atau 35 Tahun, Wapres Ma’ruf Amin: Serahkan kepada MK yang WajibDiduga Berbeda Pilihan, Kesalahpahaman Antara Pendukung Calon Kades pada Pilkades Panyosogan Berujung Kematian, 1 Warga Jadi Korban

Read too: Abah Guru Sekumpul Adalah Wali Allah, Wakil Presiden KH Ma’ruf Amin Sebut Tanda-tandanya Ini

“I believe that with this, our democracy is on the right track and heading towards a better direction,” said Sahroni.

Earlier on Tuesday (August 1), the House of Representatives and the Government provided statements during the constitutional review hearing in the Constitutional Court on Law Number 7 of 2017 regarding the minimum age requirement for presidential and vice-presidential candidates from 40 years to 35 years.

The constitutional review request was submitted by the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), which challenges the requirement of a minimum age for presidential and vice-presidential candidates in Article 169 letter (q) of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.

Francine Widjojo, Director of the Legal Aid Institution of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (LBH PSI), believes that there is no basis and urgency to restrict citizens from electing presidential and vice-presidential candidates aged 35-39.

“There are many young people who have shown their achievements in public leadership positions, which could potentially become a president or vice president. However, unfortunately, they are hindered by the current Election Law’s minimum age requirement of 40 years,” said Francine in a statement received in Jakarta on Thursday (March 9).

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